Coherent (“we”, “us”, “our”) are committed to protecting your privacy when you interact with us, our content, products, or services. We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Purpose of this Policy

This policy explains our personal information handling practices. It describes how we may collect, use, and disclose information about you or your use of our content, products, or services.

  1. Collection of Personal Information
    1.1 How we collect personal information

The main circumstances in which Coherent collects personal information about you are:

(a) when you provide it to us

If you register as a user of Coherent services, you will provide information to us as part of your registration. You may also give us information when you buy from Coherent online, enter competitions or otherwise participate in Coherent functions or activities. For information about our collection and retention of payment information see below.

Your credit card details are only stored and transmitted in encrypted form. Unencrypted credit card information is not stored on our servers. Online credit card payments are currently processed using a third-party payment gateway service provider. This provider delivers a PCI-DSS (plastic card industry data security scheme) compliant payment gateway service to Coherent stores that is used to securely process customer payments.

If you use PayPal or Afterpay to complete your transaction, your personal information (including credit card information) will be collected and used by PayPal and Afterpay. For more information, you can read the PayPal Privacy Policy and the Afterpay Privacy Policy .

If you use your credit card and the transaction is manual rather than electronic, the imprinted record will be stored by us for the period that financial records are required to be retained.
(b) when someone else provides it to us on your behalf

Sometimes someone else such as a carer (including a parent) or friend might provide us with information about you so that we can provide you with products or services. Other times we may collect personal information about you from publicly available sources.

Coherent aims to ensure that children and young people who engage with our online spaces understand the possible risks they face and how to minimise them.

Coherent’s policy in relation to Cookies, Beacons, Local Storage and Other technologies described below apply to all Coherent properties, users should be aware that using social media sites that they will be exposed to the various tracking and analytic technologies applied by third parties when they access or share Coherent content on or via those sites.
(c) when we collect it in relation to your use of digital services

We also collect information about your use of our digital services including our websites and apps. This is mainly to improve your experience and our digital services. Coherent uses technologies like cookies, web beacons and local storage as part of its digital services. When you use our websites, mobile sites, mobile applications, or applications on any other devices these technologies may be used to make our digital services easier to use and more relevant

If you are not a registered Coherent user, then we will track this information by reference to digital information such as an IP address and will not seek to identify you.

If we do not collect information about you or your use of our digital services, we may not be able to provide you with certain digital services, or we may not be able to tailor or enhance your viewing or listening experience of our digital services.

What are these technologies?

A “cookie” is a small data file downloaded to your computer or device which lets our digital service gather and store information. Your web browser then sends these cookies back to the website or application on each subsequent visit so they can recognise you and remember things such as your personalised settings or preferences.

A “web beacon” is a small amount of code on a web page, application or in an email notification that allows the site to record simple actions of the user such as whether they have viewed a piece of content. These requests can gather information from a website such as: the IP address of your computer, the time the material was viewed, the type of browser used, and the existence of cookies previously set by that server. This is information that is available to any web server you visit and these beacons represent a convenient method of gathering simple statistics and managing cookies.

“Local storage” is a technology that allows a website or application to store information locally on your computer or device.
Why do we use these technologies?
. These uses generally fall into one of the following categories:
Site and application functionality: To enable interactive features such as forums, voting, some games, and online shopping. For instance, cookies allow our servers to keep track of your customer details between visits to online stores. Credit card information is never stored in a cookie. The information stored by the cookie includes data that is provided during online registration processes. They can allow us to remember your place in a video so you can pick up where you left off or remember your preferences and settings so you get your local weather or preferred radio station.
Promotional targeting: Placing cookies on your device also means we can serve you promotional information that you might be more interested in. The promotional information can appear on third party digital services as well as digital services. It also allows us to control the number of times you see that promotional information and measure how effective the campaign has been.
Audience analytics: The aggregate information gathered from these technologies helps us to improve our products and understand how people use our services.
Personalised content and services: Information about what content is viewed allows us to customize our services with more relevant content like tailored trends or recommendations. For example, by knowing what articles you have already read, cookies can help us make smarter and more relevant suggestions about what new content you might enjoy or find useful.
More information about these technologies is available on the website .
Audience analytics that DO NOT identify you
The analytics systems used by us are cookies, web beacons, local storage, and other technologies which are used to gather information regarding visitor activity on the digital services. This is not used to identify personal details but to evaluate and improve our services or to offer improved services based on aggregated visitor trends.
Generally, these services are provided to the Coherent by third parties. For instance, Facebook and Google Analytics. More information about how Google uses information from sites or apps can be found .
Coherent also engages independent measurement companies such as Nielsen as part of the industry body Interactive Advertising Body (IAB). Nielsen provides its privacy information . Some of the digital applications may include a tag owned by Nielsen which will enable Nielsen to collect non-personal information for market research or audience ratings services. Information about Nielsen’s measurement software and user options are available .
Controlling and deleting cookies
Popular browsers will usually give users a level of control over cookies.
You can set your browsers to accept or reject all, or certain, cookies. You can also set your browser to prompt you each time a cookie is offered.
Most cookies are easy to delete, and the ‘Help’ function within your browser should tell you how. Some digital services may not load properly or function as intended if cookies are disabled, however it is up to you to determine the balance of convenience and computer privacy that you are comfortable with.
Some browsers offer ‘Do Not Track’ (DNT) cookies, which send an additional piece of information when a cookie is downloaded that the user does not wish to be tracked. There are no legal or technical requirements regarding the use of a DNT cookie. Coherent’s digital properties do not recognise DNT cookies.

  1. Making a complaint

    Coherent welcomes feedback about privacy issues and will attend to all questions and complaints promptly. Please contact our Privacy Officer using the details below if you would like to make a complaint. If Coherent takes more than 30 days to respond to your privacy complaint, or if you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you can make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. The OAIC can be contacted on 1300 363 992 or at